Fandom Survey
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1. What drew you to this fandom?
You know what? I don't even know. I can't remember. I know I'd seen a few episodes from Seasons 1-3, and I think I decided, "It'd be a good idea to watch the Season 4 premiere when it comes on." And the rest is history.
2. Are you involved in the fanfic world for this fandom?
Only in a reading capacity. I've read some really good ones. I don't write any because I have this problem – I can only write a portion of a story (say, one scene that would happen right in the middle), but never a complete one (no beginning and no end).
3. Are you involved in any web community for this fandom?
I'm in a Yahoo!Group, and I think that's all...unless you count my website as being a community. I've also joined a heckload of fanlistings. :)
4. What are your three favorite episodes?
You KNOW I can't answer that question. Only three?
5. What was your favorite story arc? (spanning at least three episodes, not necessarily in a row).
Buffy & Angel/Angelus; "Death is your gift" (I've gotta say, I think that probably turned out much better than that "From beneath you, it devours" thing); Spike
6. Favorite character to love:
Um. Do I have to choose? Buffy, Xander, Anya, Willow, Spike, Dawn, Giles, Tara, Oz...
7. Favorite character to hate:
I wouldn't say I actually hate any characters, but I'm not hugely fond of Principal Wood. Or Warren. Or Caleb.
8. Character who, throughout the series, managed to surprise you the most:
Spike, I think. Plus, hearing that Buffy would suddenly have a new little sister at the beginning of Season 5 was surprising.
9. Favorite non-actor person on the set:
Joss Whedon.
10. Least favorite non-actor person on the set:
Joss Whedon. Grrr, arrgh.
11. Strangest name you remember appearing on the screen after the opening credits:
Meaning the guest stars, then? I can only remember ones from Season 7 – Iyari Limon (who plays Kennedy) and Indigo (who plays Rona).
12. Best piece of dialogue:
Soooo many I could never, ever pick. Ever.
But some that just came to mind are:
- "Canapé?" (the first thing Oz ever said to Willow)
- "Close your eyes." (the last thing Buffy said to Angel before killing him)
- "I think horrible's still coming. Right now, I'm just trying to keep from dying. ...I can't breathe, Will. I feel like I can't breathe..." (Buffy)
- "Out. For. A. Walk. ...Bitch." (Spike)
13. Best. moment. ever.
Jeez. Who decided to make this so hard for me? Uhm...amongst others, there are:
- "Close your eyes", from
Becoming, Part 2
- Buffy's epiphany/sacrifice in
The Gift
- The Sunnydale sign falling into the giant pit that used to be Sunnydale
14. Shippiest. moment. ever.
Ohhh, another "easy" question, huh?
Various Buffy/Angel moments. Buffy & Spike had their moments as well, I think. And I liked the Xander/Anya stuff, too.
15. Of all your fandoms, why pick this one for the survey?
Well, the questions on this seemed to be geared towards only TV fandoms, and so naturally I'd choose
Buffy. Now, if this worked for non-TV fandoms, too, I'd also have to fill this survey in for
Lord of the Rings,
Harry Potter, and possibly a few other things. :)